
it was cold today

sunshine, sunshine, its fine
i feel it in my skin, warming up my mind
sometimes you gotta give in to win, 
i love the days when it shines, whoa let it shine.


the thing is is is

1. i started to read a new book today.
2. christmas is fast approaching.
3. clair de lune is real good.
4. 35mm is not as dependable as digital. 
5. today will be a cool day in 3 years.
6. there is some weird noise coming from somewhere in my room.




reporting from nashville:
woke up.  inorganic.  lab + transformation.
rachel, magnolia pick up.  pumpkin chess.
cruise control.  birmingham, pretzels, air mattress.  mixed berry green tea.
dark.  jamie fray, exuberance.  loves two dolla nine cent.
fuck will call, bottom of the bottom.  no talk, no talking.  seven thirty-ish.
mercy then foy then ticketweb.  no luck, fuck times infinity.
nashville, war memorial auditorium.  sound tribe + dreads.
eric calls, ecstatic.  one cannery row.  grey hoodie.  moneys-lots.
car change no lights.  boots headbands.  lock.  ids.  lock again.   
pony tail in mouth.  heels, dress, purse, wtf.
greg gillis.  fisheyes.
sweat. soaked. sweat. balls.
meet dance friend + h20.  pictures.
peace.  more new friends 1983.  kick out of car.
k and n!!
easy mac and gatorade.  futon + airmattress.
love. easily: