
nine to five

....or eight to four. all the same, im working.


im dying

this is my study break


no meat on fridays, good thing its sunday

this is just way too beautiful not to share, this whole site is beautiful, better than all those graphics sites, which ill admit is where i spend too many hours of my life.

this is way too hysterical not to share, all it is missing is a couple slices of bacon, or maybe some bacon paste, which is hysterical in its own right. 

this is me sharing my dinner with you, it was delish. i even added greek yogurt to the chicken salad.


haha, too perfect

this is oh too true.


back to reality

to shorten the details of my trip.
ill do one highlight per day.
day one- Delicious apple crisp on plane while watching twilight.
day one point five- Heathrow airport is beautiful and they have a krispy kreme there

day two- listened to R.Kelly in the cab on the radio to our b&b and our driver got lost
day three-saw Pantheon and Trevi Fountain, no biggie

day four- slept in, walked approximately 10miles total, bought nutella to-go at supermercado

day five- took tour of Colesseo and Roman Forum for twenty euro, well spent, red ball was our tour marker

day six- first cold day, shopped all day, drank caffe, ate pastry and saw Noah and the Whale

day seven- second cold day, last princess breakfast at Giusy b&b then walked the 1000 stairs to top of Cupola at St. Peter's Basilica

day seven point five and eight- 24+ hours of sunlight, chicken curry and slumdog millionaire,then home, finally

all the rest of my pics are here


roma here i come

packing is probably the worst thing ever.
second to unpacking that is.

you owe slim and slim owes me.