

its true, shitty movies on tv are so much more tolerable then on dvd
i watched Stick It! this weekend

vic, can we retire the old long-sleeved leotards? 
i have a constitutional right to bare arms. 



i really wanted an egg-salad sandwich... and i was just obsessing about it and i was like: 'man, im gonna make one of those'
so saturday, i went out and got like, a dozen eggs.... and i boiled them all and then i just.... i spent, i dont know, probably three hours
like three-and-a-half hours making.... you know, the mayonnaise, and the onions, and paprika.... and, you know, all the accoutrements
and then, by the time i was done i just really didnt feel like eating it...and i didnt have any bread.... so 



kinda cliche and predictable that i would post this.
but im on my mac, wearing keds, wayfarers hooked in my aa vneck and a c. palahniuk book stacked on top of my moleskine notebook, so......
mgmt- the youth


red velvet

what it is to flee into the arms of some unknown tomorrow
i want to bake cakes, cookies, and pies
all sorts



fancy pants

rip samsung
hola nokia
it plays music